Brennende Kinderwagen

Carelessness causes fire

Ein solches beunruhigendes Schild, entdeckt in unserem Kinderwagen, schreit nach einem Mail an den Support:

Good morning,

I’ve just discovered the warning ‚Carelessness causes fire‘ in the base underseat bag of our Bugaboo cameleon.

I am now seriously concerned about the safety of my son. How often do Bugaboo strollers spontaneously combust? How can I minimize the chances of spontaneous combustion?

Thank you,
christian studer

Leider war die Antwort etwas langweilig:

Dear Mr. Studer

It’s a legally required warning in one of the EU countries and therefore we have to include it in the European model.
It’s actual meaning goes back to the time candles were used extensively in homes and left unattended, but remained in place due to carelessness of smokers!
It does not refer in any way to spontaneous combustion.

Please be assured that the Bugaboo Cameleon is completely safe and complies with all recent Standards for Flammability protection.

I hope you find this information to be of use. Should you require any further assistance, please feel free to contact me.

With kind regards,
A. W.

3 Gedanken zu „Brennende Kinderwagen“

  1. Jöööööh

    (Jöööööh ist übrigens jetzt das neue +1, wenn mann sich nicht zu einem sinnvollen/angepassten Kommentar überwinden kann)

  2. Das ist das schöne an unserem Social-Media-Zeitalter: Diese Firmen müssen jeden Scheiss seriös beantworten, wenn sie keinen Shitstorm über sich ergehen lassen wollen…

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