Campus Bern: Webformular Design

CampusAm kommenden Dienstag (17. April 2012, 1900) findet der Campus zum Thema Webformular Design/a> bei Puzzle ITC am Eigerplatz statt.

Roland Studer zeigt uns anhand praktischer Beispiele, wie man Formulare sinnvoll gestaltet.

Die Veranstaltung ist für alle Interessierte offen und gratis. Anfahrtsinformationen und weiteres wie immer im Campus Wiki.

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The only audience that matters

The Hurrican is coming; you have twenty minutes, get your stuff and go.

You’re not going to be saying: Well, that got an amazing writeup in this design blog. You’re going to pick the most meaningful objects to you. Because those are the true objects that truly reflect the true story of who you are, and what you’re personal narrative is, and the story that you’re telling to yourself and no one else. Because that’s the only audience that matters.

Rob Walker (Autor, New York Times Magazine) in Objectified